Typography project outline:
For this project im continuing working with food as a basis but moving towards consumption.
I have gone back inside the body to the core of a human, the heart.
This project will start with the close up on the text of the heart pumping. Text will run through the arteries and out through other arteries into the space around it. The text itself is important to the concept. There are 2 texts: "Consumption is negative production. (Alfred Marshall)" and "You are what you eat." The idea is to have text and pump faster and faster out of the heart and potentially wrap around the heart, strangle it, and when it bursts, it bursts into tons of little pieces of pie made from text that fall like rain in the scene. The images above are really just quickly done go give you an idea of the main objects in the piece. I wasnt sure if the solids of color behind the text could be used or not, but i put it in as a place holder just in case.
I followed a typical color pattern for the texts shown according to the different parts of the heart and arteries. I have gotten into many different kinds of texts yet, and i feel that may be important to differentiate meanings.
Here is a typoraphic video I found that I really liked because of the use of text
and animating it. Particuarlly, the part with the elephant jumping up and down right at 30 seconds into the video.
Typography On My Mind from FormTroopers on Vimeo.
I really enjoyed the use of color and text in this animation. The sortof 3D effect
with the colors is an interesting idea.
TypoParticles // Experiment from Anibal Camargo on Vimeo.
This is probably my favorite animation dealing with typography. Its the most
engaging use of text and has a very fluid movement id like to replicate.
The text masking on the first video looks so clever- try that! I think the effects on the last one are things we haven't learned yet like generating lights and 3D effects. Very inspiring though